Magic Conjuring Board with Wand
I found the circuit for the Magic Conjuring Board on the DIY Electronic Projects website (the Magic Wand Conjuring Trick by Rev. Thomas Scarborough). My circuit differs in that I have added the timer and decade counter ICs, and 10 LEDs to flash in a circle and a piezo speaker for sound effect. When the right combination of buttons is passed over with the magic wand the LEDs (red, white and blue) flash around the circle and the buzzer sounds. Click image for a larger view

Under the Conjuring Board
When the magic wand (with a magnet imbedded in the end) passes over reed switches S4, S5 and S6 (see Schematic) in that sequence, it makes the output of the CD4081 high which turns on the transistor that feeds power to the LED circuits. S1, S2 or S3 will turn off the LEDs if passed over at any time. The reed switches can be placed at any location under the board that will make the conjuring trick interesting.Click image for a larger view
Breadboarding the Conjuring Circuit
After much experimentation with component values I finally got the circuits to operate well. The CD4081 is a Quad AND gate which turns on/off depending on which inputs are high and low. The CD4093, a Quad NAND gate, functions as a clock to drive the LED circuit at 15Hz and the piezo speaker at 460Hz. The CD4017 is a decade counter. It drives the LEDs in their flashing sequence. The complete circuit draws about 5mA in standby and 15mA operating. Click image for the schematic