BK 3011
This is a BK Precision Model 3011 function generator. It produces square, triangle and sine waves from .2Hz to 2mHZ. Amplitude from 0 to 20 v p-p (open circuit) and up to 10 v p-p to a 50 ohm load. Offset is -10v to +10v and variable duty cycle from 1:1 to 10:1. TTL output is 3v p-p. |
 Elenco M-2666K
Here is another Digital Multimeter which I built as a kit from Elenco. It is not auto-ranging but is very fast in response. The kit quality is excellent with all high precision components. |
 DIY M12684 Transistor Tester
Although presented as a Transistor Tester this little character can test a multitude of components. Thus, I call it my Component Exlporer. Mine came as a kit from Banggood.com (China). I built it into an enclosure from Polycase, and mounted the ZIF socket on the case rather than the pc board. |
Here is the assembled circuit as advertised.  And, the kit parts, including the ATmega328 microcontroller IC. Click makes larger.