Out of focus trace
This is the best it would do to show a trace. After studying the schematics, I began measuring resistances, then voltages. |
 Circuit board panels
Here the scope is wide open making it easy to test components, even while powered up. No ICs, just transistors. |
PCB moved for repair
Here is the underside of the CRT control circuit board. I was able to lift it enough to remove the bad resistor and solder in the new one.
 The new resistor
The new 5M6 ohm resistor can be seen at the forward edge of this picture just in front of the 1M8 1 watt resistor.
 A 5.76 mHz trace
The trace of a 5.76768 mHz crystal from my crystal tester. Measured at .5us and 5X. Considering the 10mHz limit of the scope, it looks okay.